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South Pole

Remote and magnificent

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South Pole Training

We can now offer specific training for guided South Pole last degree or full-distance expeditions. The programme has been developed so that you will be as well prepared as possible, and thus also be one step closer to approval by ALE - our preferred Antarctic provider, for these demanding trips. Welcome to our training grounds in the high arctic plateau of Hardangervidda, Norway.

Last Degree

The South Pole plateau is a lifetime dream for many, but achieved only by a few. The altitude, the "big sky" and the endless terrain combine to create an environment that presents challenges like nowhere else on earth. Join us for a week skiing to the world's most southerly point.

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South Pole Express

1,5 times larger than Europe, 3000 metres of glacier, nunataks and an Antarctic adventure of a lifetime. Come with us on this spectacular trip to the Amundsen-Scott base at 90 degrees south, exploring this enormous majestic and almost inaccessible continent.

All the way

This is the longest organized and guided trip in the world. With proper training, equipment, motivation and nutrition everyone can actually do this trip. After a week of skiing you get into the routines and everyday you are one step closer to the geographical South Pole. Join us on this extreme adventure.

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